Friday, December 5, 2008

Elyse is a part of it!

Hey, hey gang.

Have we all spread the news?
Because I am now in New York City! Yes, this post is coming at ya from my hostel.

Just so everyone is clear, yes I am still alive. I survived my flight with no dramas. No dramas what so ever!
I survived and on the plane I got to watch lots of movies. It was great! The Tetris I was so looking forward to sucked. It was disappointing, so Davey should be informed that no, I am not seeing everything in blocks.

I saw the sights of LAX, that was fun. I purchased a lovely Hot Chocolate and because on the original flight I adjusted my watch to NYC time but went straight from the Time Zone setting on my iPod (it has world clocks. It's great!) and that doesn't take into effect Daylight savings or something because my watch was an hour fast and I was freaking ou that I would miss my connection flight so I threw out my drink so I could go through security and they weren't even boarding! Bad move McKenzie.
Oh well.

I am very proud of myself, I did not get in trouble with security (anywhere!) and was amused by the fact that in Australian Customs there was a sign that says that making jokes about Airport security and that kind of thing is punishible by law!
I always knew that one day being a smartarse would get me arrested. Thankfully, I was away from my bad influences (They know who they are... and if they don't, just ask me to name names!) and thus, no jokes were made.
Elyse's record remains in tact.

Second thing that amused me, one the Visa waiver form it asks if you are planning to commit illegal or immoral acts. If one was (for the record- not me) why would you tick yes?
Clearly, if one is going to break both laws and morals, then lying on the form not a big leap.

So, that was my flight journey.
Now for some random facts about New York:
Time Square is really, really bright. First shop I went into had no Dr Pepper (what the hell Chris, what the hell?), Honking is illegal, there are lots of horses around and I had another random fact that I now forgot.

One of the clicks of my bag broke. Not happy! It is actually the most imporant clip too! The strap around the waist that means the entire weight isn't carried on my shoulders. Not fricken happy!
I'll survive, I don't predict much carrying. That's not my scene.

That's all for this time.
Take care of yourselves and I'll see when I get time to post another one of my updates.

Just so we are clear- Yes, I'm still alive.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh so they made you fill out the visa waiver form there.

    The reason that shop had no DP is because the North East sucks, Channing informs me they might do Mr Pibb instead and that would indeed suck. Good luck on the DP hunt!
